The zoo turned out to be a major construction location for the city when it undertook a great enlargement during the Great Depression. On Parkside Ave, the Buffalo Zoo Court’s entrance at Amherst St was amongst the fresh buildings. John Edmonston Brent, the son of famous Calvin Brent, was the architect who planned the Buffalo Zoo Court’s Entrance and it was assembled between 1935 and 1938. The National Register of Historic Places recorded The Buffalo Zoo Entrance Court in 2013.
Additional displays and accommodations inserted during the following decades. The zoo commenced decreasing the amounts of wild life in its assortment to concentrate on the upbringing of threatened species that may well not have had a possibility to existence, as the direction of Minot Ortolani initiated to modify its operation through the 1980s and 1990s. The zoo correspondingly engaged in extra instruction to clarify the importance to guests about the wildlife and their regular environments whilst still maintaining their determinations for preservation of wild life. Norah B. Fletchall replaced Dr Donna M. Fernandes (2000 – 2017) as President/CEO of the wildlife park in 2017.
A new strategy was revealed to renovate the wildlife park in 2002 for the next 15 years. What was planned was further representational environments comprising Highlands Zone, Wonders of Water Children’s Zoo, Arctic Edge, African Watering Hole and the Asian River, as well as innovative guest facilities. The first stage of the new strategy gave rise to the introduction of the Sea Lion Cove, EcoStation, Vanishing Animals and Otter Creek exhibit. September 10, 2008 marked the achievement of the first stage with the inaugural of the South American Rainforest, an all year round exhibit that presents lots of vibrant fowl, a diversity of additional rainforest genus, and a cascade of falling water. A plethora of wild life you can discover in the tropical woods inhabit these exhibits. A $14,000,000 display, the Arctic Edge, was unleased upon the community in the autumn of 2015 introducing, bald eagles, Arctic wolves, polar bears, and Eurasian lynx. The Arctic wolves happened to be exchanged with Arctic foxes in 2016 because they better suitable to the proportions of the attraction over the wolves. A couple of polar bears called Luna and Anana are presently housed at the Arctic Edge exhibit. Nanuq and Anana were the original couple at the Buffalo Zoo, and they had a baby christened Luna. Nanuq is now a residing in the Columbus Zoo.
The wildlife park sent a pair of Asian elephants named Surapa and Jothi to the wildlife park in New Orleans, the Audubon Zoo in August 2018, because the Buffalo Zoo was not able to maintain them any longer.
The Buffalo Zoo exists inside of Delaware Park, at 300 Parkside Ave, Buffalo, NY 14214. It is right next to the Scajaquada Expressway. It is open between 10AM and 4PM daily. Call 716-837-3900 for more information.